
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

City Hall 시티홀 (2009) – Reshaping Politics!

As ordinary as a coffee girl, as desirable as a Mayor, Kim Sun Ah played these two roles in City Hall as she transformed from a coffee girl to a beauty pageant and eventually the Mayor.

I adored her in My Name is Kim Sam-Soon, she sure became a bit serious in this show for her Mayor role however still carried her usual sense of humour. This show is definitely not short of laughs.

An other pleasant surprise was Cha Seung Won whom I have never heard or seen before City Hall. Yet he turned out to be the perfect fit for this role. Cha played a high achiever in politics who seemed to have it all. Later he fell in love and helped Kim to become the Mayor. Cha mastered his emotions well, and has successfully portrayed a very charismatic politician.

Do I need to say more? Or you have already made up your mind to give this show a try.

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